Buffy the Acorn Slayer

14 months old
14 months old

Buffy is probably the smartest pig in our herd and she uses her intelligence to get more food than anyone else, so keeping her at a healthy weight while not starving the others is a constant battle. She's quite opinionated in general and can sus out a trap even before it's set. She never passes up the opportunity for a good scratching and is an excellent forager. I expect her to be a fierce mother and I look forward to seeing her grow and mature into one. 

Buffy has good pasterns, no wattles, and eleven nipples (10+1). 

14 months old
14 months old
6 months old
6 months old
6 months old
6 months old

Farrowing History:

1st Farrowing: 3/19/22 - Six piglets, all double wattles. Three male, three female

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Beaufort, South Carolina
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