Our Policies
We reserve the right to retain any animal at any time for any reason. Those who have contacted me with their email addresses to be put on notification lists for certain litters are given first refusal to place a hold deposit on any desired animal. Animals will only be retained if a deposit is made. If no deposits have been placed within 48 hours of my notifying all those on the list, the animal will be offered to the general public.
Deposits will be $200 for doelings and piglets and 50% of the total purchase price for bucklings. Deposits are non-refundable except in cases where the animal's health prevents it from leaving our farm, some defect is found in the animal that was not apparent at the time the deposit was made, or we decide to retain the animal. No animal will leave our farm until the purchase price is paid in full by either Paypal, cash, or a combination of the two.
Both pigs and goats are herd animals--you need at least two. I will not sell an animal intended as a lone pet--you must have one other goat/pig already or purchase two for company. The only exception to this rule is if the animal is being purchased as a companion animal for another hoofed creature (horse, sheep, etc.)
Animals will be raised by their mothers. Piglets and goat kids will be ready for pickup at 8 weeks. We believe that mother-raised animals can still be just as friendly as bottle-fed animals when socialized regularly. By being kept with their mothers, they learn valuable social skills. In some cases an animal will need to be bottle raised, such as in the case of rejection or too many babies being born for the mother to nurse, but this and all other known concerns will be fully disclosed to potential buyers. All animals will leave our farm fully vaccinated and healthy to the best of our knowledge, but since we cannot control the environment they are going to we cannot make any long-term guarantees. Goats will be sold disbudded, dam-raised, and vaccinated for CD&T. Gilts will be sold vaccinated with Rhini Shield and Myco Shield. Male pigs, as a rule, are not advertised for sale and are castrated at 4-10 days to be raised for meat on our homestead. If you are interested in an intact boar from our farm you will need to contact us early and we will then evaluate if any boars born meet our standards to be sold. If you are interested in one or more castrated males as a pet, please contact us and we will evaluate if we have any spare males that can be sold.
Boarding fees of $5/day will be charged for any reserved animal who is not picked up within three days of the pre- arranged pick-up date. Any reserved animal not picked up within two weeks of this date will have their deposit forfeited and the animal will be offered for sale once again.
Bucks for Rent
We do offer buck goat services, but due to biosecurity concerns we reserve the right to refuse any doe at any time for any reason. Does seeking service will need to be transported to our farm as we will not permit our bucks to be loaned out.
Stud fees are $75 per doe. ADGA Service Memos will be provided for registration purposes.
All does will need to have a negative CAE/CL/Johnes blood tests within the last 12 months and we will need to see printed proof of these tests from an accredited laboratory. Before accepting your doe, I will personally inspect her for overall health, common CL abscess locations, and external parasites. This means your doe will need to be tame enough for me to handle her while you are there. Any doe I am unable to examine will be refused.
We can accommodate driveway breedings (where your doe does not spend more than a few minutes with my buck), short stays (2-3 days where your doe is housed at my farm during her heat cycle), or longer stays for multiple does or for when the doe's heat cycle is not known (month long stays). You will be responsible for all transport and service memos will not be provided until all stud and boarding fees are paid in full.
For does staying at my farm, housing will be provided in a separate area from my own goats and will be visited daily by your buck of choice. You will be responsible for providing all hay and feed for your doe(s). If your doe(s) are currently in milk, I will maintain their milking schedule, but I get to keep the milk. Boarding will be $5/day per doe up to 4 does and $20/day for 5+ does. For multiple does being serviced and staying several weeks, I *may* offer the option of payment in the form of 1 or more second-choice doelings, in which case the service memo will be withheld until I take possession of the doeling(s). If you are local, I am happy to provide a buck rag so you can minimize the amount of time your doe(s) need to stay with me.
For any doe who comes back into heat within 4 months of being serviced, I am happy to have my buck service them again free of charge.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.